Projector With Missing Pixels

Projector With Missing Pixels

Projector With Missing Pixels Hyderabad


Dreaded Missing Pixel Problem

The image below shows the dreaded missing pixel problem. Some call this problem the white dot problem or the missing pixel problem or the snow storm image. Some times its just one dot that is missing, other times its a snow storm of missing pixels right across the image.

Projector With Missing Pixels

Caused By Overheating

In the past many thought this was caused by overheating and this may contribute to the problem. However some customers have said that they purchased their projector and used it for a month then boxed it for a year and the next time they switched it on their were hundreds of missing pixels. So overheating does not always cause this issue.

Projector With Missing Pixels Hyderabad Secunderabad

Many projectors that come into our workshop have their fans clogged up with dust or the customer is using the projector in their basement so maybe this contributed to the problem.

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