Suffering From Projector White Dots

Suffering From Projector White Dots

Suffering From Projector White Dots


Projector White Dots

When you do some google searching with the projector white dots, stuck of pixels or dead pixels, needless to say, you’ll have the answer of DLP chip failure. But do you know which chip will suitable for your DLP projector or Projection TV? In today’s post, I am going to share you how to buy the exact replacement chip to fix your DLP projector or projection TV white dots error. Meanwhile, I will take my example projector to replace the unite with step by step. So that you will have some idea to make your projector. Before we dive into, let’s talk a bit more how does the faulty DMD chip cause the white dots

Suffering From Projector White Dots Hyderabad


How Does DMD Chip Cause The Projector White Dots On The Screen

Suffering From Projector White Dots Hyderabad Secunderabad


DMD is a short name of Digital Micro-Mirrors Display. There are hundred thousands of micro-mirrors assembled on its surface. For example, If a projector native resolution is 800×600, the chip has (800×600=) 480000 pcs of individually controllable micro-mirrors. Each mirror can rotate estimated ±10-12° to reflect the light from the bulb through the lens or directed to the heatsink. Every time a mirror controls the reflection of light through the lens, it illuminates the bright pixels on the screen. In contrast, the light is directed to the heatsink and making a dark pixel on the screen. In this case, when a single mirror is broken or stop rotating, the light goes straight to the screen.

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