What is DLP Technology

What is DLP Technology


What is DLP Technology



The DLP  chip was invented by Dr. Larry Hornbeck of Texas Instruments in 1987.

It is probably the world’s most sophisticated light switch. It contains a rectangular array of up to 2 million hinge-mounted microscopic mirrors; each of these micromirrors measures less than one-fifth the width of a human hair.

DLP Technology


What is DLP Technology Hyderabad Secunderabad



When a DLP chip is coordinated with a digital video or graphic signal, a light source, and a projection lens, its mirrors can reflect a digital image onto a screen or other surface. The DLP chip and the sophisticated electronics that surround it are what we call DLP technology.

How does DLP work?


What is DLP Technology Hyderabad

Televisions, home theater systems and business projectors using DLP technology rely on a single chip configuration like the one above.

White light passes through a colour filter, causing red, green, blue and even additional primary colours such as yellow cyan, magenta and more to be shone in sequence on the surface of the DLP chip. The switching of the mirrors, and the proportion of time they are ‘on’ or ‘off’ is coordinated according to the colour shining on them. Then the sequential colours blend to create a full-colour image you see on the screen.

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